Weird excessive space to the right of text

• Aug 26, 2020 - 21:05

I've encountered a weird behaviour - MS adds an additional space to the right of staff text and rehearsal marks. It doesn't add actual space characters. It's like it thinks that characters are wider than they appear. Also, chord symbols have excessive space between characters. See GIFs. This didn't happen after doing anything with MS (eg. updating)

What could cause that?



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OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 43c5553

It isn't specific to a font and it seems that it affects all places where there is a text (I didn't check all features ofc)

Things like this can happen in certain cases involving multiple monitors with different resolutions and confusion over which one the MuseScore window is actually in. Could also happen if the font you are using is malformed.

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