Can I set #of bars per page?
Hello! I have a MuseScore 2.3 file I need to print. It has primarily one measure per page and I cannot figure out how to change that, even from reading previous posts. Please give me the dope on this ---
Grateful in Ojai,
Let us see the problem score so that we can help.
Or take a look at and see if that helps you sort it out yourself.
Without seeing the score it's hard to know for sure, but if you think there is room for more measures at the current staff and page size, probably there are systems breaks you need to remove, and the Handbook page referenced above will show you how to remove them. Otherwise, probably you just need smaller staves or bigger paper. Both settings are in Format / Page Settings.
In reply to Without seeing the score it… by Marc Sabatella
Thanks, Marc. I am not going to take your time showing the score.
In reply to Thanks, Marc. I am not going… by greenmothermu
If you can't get it to work, don't hesitate to attach a score explaining what you want. Everyone here helping in the forums do it because they want to.