Option to force show time signature?

• Dec 7, 2020 - 19:32

Midscore (in a score with a single time signature) is there a way to force the existing time signature to show in a particular measure?


Do you mean to add the current time signature into a measure or show it for informational purposes?

To add it to a measure, you can select the measure and press ctrl while you click the time signature in the palette.

For informational purposes, this is done in continuous mode at the left side of the screen but not in the other view modes. The time line show all time signature changes so this might be useful for your purposes.

Thanks everybody.


Indeed I can force the time signature to show with a simple click to the same Time Signature in the palette! I need these "courtesy" accidentals when creating exercises where I need a time signature at the start of each page.

However, if I choose later to delete it, MuseScore feels obliged to remove all line breaks in the score—even though there hasn't actually been a change of meter—and that incurs a needless layout havoc I'd like to avoid.

A simple show/hide property might prove to be a better solution? I looked in the Measure Properties but didn't find any such thing there.


In reply to by scorster

If you want to hide the time signature and don't want to have the system breaks deleted you can make the time signature invisible by pressing V as with anything else. Unfortunately, MuseScore does not currently look at the global time signature to see if it's really logical to delete system breaks, it just does.

There is a long standing request for this at #34076: Don't eliminate layout elements upon some cases of time signature change

In reply to by mike320

Thanks Mike.

Hiding with a v keystroke is a reasonable workaround but, and I think you understand, I'd rather not leave needless stuff strewn about my scores.

mike3230 wrote>> MuseScore does not currently look at the global time signature to see if it's really logical to delete system breaks, it just does.

> Thanks for confirming the situation!

Hey, I'd like to link this post in the "What links here" of the Issue post you linked to ... but I haven't figured that out. Can you please explain how to do that?

Much appreciated!


In reply to by scorster

I didn't add a link (and not to this thread here, here it was @mike320), I just demonstrated how to link to an issue. That then does show in the issue's "what links here", this is the whole point. And it is possible to anybody and ever since (well, since very long at least)...
Having that "what links here" to link to a forum topic's reply is not possible though, only manually like you just did here

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