Import a pdf or scan music
I’ve searched the Help Center with ‘scan pdf’, ‘import pdf, and ‘scan’ but the results just seem to direct me to a library of scanned music. There’s nothing on being able to import (or scan) my own pdf which I’d need if I need to transpose for a different instrument.
I’ve just started using MuseScore and I like the program very much. In many ways it’s far superior to the program that I’ve been using over many years (Music Publisher). However, MP does have the facility to directly scan in a score which has been very useful for my purpose. I’d like to go over to MuseScore completely but to do so I’d have to manually input a score in order to transpose it.
If not already I’m just interested as to whether this feature will be in a future version or as a plug in.
Many thanks for any comments you can give.
You can try (!) (but don't get your hopes too high)
In reply to You can try (!) https:/… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thanks for this.
I've tried 2 existing pdf files (so probably didn't meet the grey scale hint) - the first was unsuccessful, but the second was a success!
In reply to Thanks for this. I've tried… by Bryan Ogilvie
Any software is going to need the best possible quality PDF. How are you creating the PDF's?
You can also use PlayScore 2 for this. Simply take a photo of your sheet music or import a score from online. You then have the option to save your music as an MusicXML file for import into MuseScore. Please note you'll need the professional subscription of PlayScore 2 to access the MusicXML feature.
Hope, a scanning option will be implemented in future versions of the great MuseScore.......please!
In reply to Hope, a scanning option will… by henla
It is already there.
It's success depends greatly on the clarity and complexity of the original. Other third party pdf to xml converters may work better on some scores.
In reply to It is already there. [inline… by SteveBlower
That page is currently not functioning. The page does nothing when Save is clicked. They're likely disabling it to make it a paid feature. Seems to be their usual pattern now.
In reply to That page is currently not… by Xenophile23
Unlikely, it is way to expertimental for a paid feature, also the underlying technololgy is Free and Open Source (Audiveris)
In reply to That page is currently not… by Xenophile23
I just used it and it worked fine. Which page are you talking about?