
• Feb 3, 2021 - 18:09

My version defaults to European standards even though I am in the U.S.
I would like measurements in inches, and the default paper size to be 8.5 x 11 inches (standard U.S. letter size) - but I have to select this each time I export a score. How can I make these the default?


Check the paper size from your default printer;
Help/Resource Manager/Languages->update translation;
Format/Page Settings->Unit.
3.6.1? On which operating system?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I'm having this same problem on Linux with 3.6. I've specified these mss files as defaults. The basic score that opens when the program first starts is correct. Then all new scores after that have reverted to A4. But, when I click on "Reset All Pages Settings to Default" it changes them to Letter format.

In reply to by cthogan

There was a bug in either 3.6.0 or 3.6.1 where page settings from a custom MSS would not be applied o new scores created from templates, only from scratch via Choose Instruments. This is now fixed, so indeed, probably updating to 3.6.2 should fix it. If not, please attach your MSS file and give precise steps to reproduce the problem.

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