Swing - can't figure out how to add

• Feb 20, 2021 - 08:09

I can't figure out how to add swing (windows I click on a note that I want swing to start on. But then I am supposed to call up the text palette by clicking on text and hitting ALT-SHIFT-E. So the note loses focus. The text palette shows up but it looks nothing like the one in help - there is no swing entry, just fonts. It is horizontal on the lower right of the screen, not a vertical list of 2 columns of options as shown in help. And when I click on the note again, the text palette vanishes.

How do I add swing????


Comments There's no such version.
Not sure what Alt+Shift+E is supposed to do, or where you got that from, but there is a Swing text in the text palette, ready for being applied to a note or rest

To be clear, Alt+Shift+E is the shortcut to put text in edit mode, it has nothing to do with anything here. You need to add the swing text, and as mentioned that is done via the palette. Edit mode would be needed only if you then wanted to edit the text, but that is more normally done by double-clicking.

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