HTML tags for bold and italics in this forum

• Apr 9, 2021 - 17:20

I tried using the tags for italics and tags for bold for posting in this forum. I don't see it working. Do I need to use another delimiter, say "[" and "]", to make bold and italics in this forum?


In reply to by Gene Gaunt

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3


Heading 4

are also quite common. Just start the line with hash symbols followed by a space, e.g. "## " (hash-hash-space) for a level 2 heading etc.

italic : 1 underscore each side
bold : 2 asterisks each side
or combine them

In reply to by Tony de Araujo

The information on the referenced page refers to Filtered HTML which, as I understand it, this forum no longer supports. In other words, unless things have changed recently, the information on that page is out of date. Or perhaps, as tarau said, maybe the changes Filtered HTML doesn't preview, which would be pretty awkward for me.

If the forum currently support filtered HTML the following word will be italicized


MarkDown is the the forum's markup language, but unfortunately the forum only allows a subset of MarkDown syntax.

You can BOLD a word by prepending and appending a pair of asterisks (or underscores)
You can ITALICIZE a word by prepending and appending single asterisks (or underscores)


In reply to by scorster

That page shows both, MarDown and filtered HTML. The latter is no longer supported for any new entry, but still used in some places, like old HowTos, or developers' handbook pages

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