MuseScore crashes within 10 seconds after its launching when the default score is closed and MIDI output is set
How to reproduce this issue:
- In MuseScore Preferences, click on I/O tab and set MIDI input/output.
- Close MuseScore.
- Open MuseScore again and close the default score before 10 seconds.
- MuseScore will crash and the MuseScore Crash Reporter will show up.
When the default score is not closed, after about 10 seconds, MuseScore sends some MIDI data to MIDI output. However, I don't know if this can be related.
I can provide more details if you tell me where to collect more data on this issue.
I guess that needs a MIDI device to be available and connected, right?
In reply to I guess that needs a MIDI… by Jojo-Schmitz
I'm using loopMIDI to create virtual MIDI, but the question is why MuseScore crashes when I close that default score that opens when we start MuseScore, but when I wait 10 seconds before closing it then I can make whatever I want without crashing.
In reply to I'm using loopMIDI to create… by jhonasb
Good question ;-)
Needs some developer with such a setup to confirm and debug I guess