Build errors with MuseScore 3.6.2

• Jul 19, 2021 - 16:11

Hello All,

I am new to MuseScore and this my first post on this forum. I am trying to build MuseScore 3.6.2 from source. I followed the compilation instruction to the tee. The build fails with multiple errors related to two projects in the solution - "inspectorplugin" and "awlplugin." Attached below are the filtered build logs for these two projects. Although the build failed - the Musescore3.exe was created in the build folder and I was able to install it too. The application started without issues. However, when I tried to package the setup file - it failed. Build log is attached also.

I am not very experienced and am unable to diagnose the issue. I would appreciate if anyone can provide a hint or direction to proceed and get a clean build.

Thanks in advance!


Why would you want to create a setup file for Windows, for MuseScore 3.6.2? Just take the one from

Why would yo want to build 3.6.2 yourself?
I could understand if you'd want to build from the master branch (will become MuseScore 4 one day), or even from the 3.x branch (it is some 73 commits ahead of 3.6.2), but anything else seems pretty pointless?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hello Jojo. Thanks for the response. Yes, I did initially try to build from the master branch. But there many more build failures/errors. I was initially thinking that its an issue with my build toolchain setup. To confirm that I wanted to make sure that I am able to build a stable release that already has an installer. I wanted to use the build process for 3.6.2 as a learning experience - and eventually get to the master branch when I am able to get a clean build from 3.6.2.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Sorry, I'm late.... But I confirm that building Musescore 3.6.5 with Visual Studio 2022 and MSVC 2019 64-bit create errors on awlplugin and inspectorplugin.
I didn't try on a later release. (because I try to develop a plugin on a stable release. I will try later release after).

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

sorry, I have another question.
I built musescore with explanations on…
Ok. It runs. I can launch MuseScore in release or debug mode.
I have a plugin to develop now.
How to do this ? I want to be able to debug it with MuseScore in debug mode (your "plugins creator" is useless because nothing to debug code).

So how to do this ? I create a project "Myplugin" in Visual studio (so I have 28 projects in VS and I have access to all Musescore Modules) but how to link Myplugin with Musescore
There is no explanation about this.

Thanks a lot for your reply.

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