Possible to change chords for each repeat?

• Feb 1, 2022 - 08:59

Untitled.png For standard pop songs, there is often verse 1, verse 2, etc. that are almost identical. I am using the repeat signs to use the same measures to represent verse 1, verse 2. However sometimes verse 2 has some slight changes compared to verse 1. I am wondering what are the limits of Musescore to support these variations?

  1. Lyrics
    >> I know I can create 2 separate lyrics lines for the same notes. That's good.
  2. Chords
    >> Is it possible to tell Musescore to play different chords for each repeat? In my case, for example verse 1 has C major for a particular measure, but in verse 2 I want to change to C minor
  3. Notes
    >> There are some small variations in rhythm, like for one measure, one 8th note becomes 2 16th notes, etc. I think it's impossible for Musescore to accommodate this

So if you can give me some tips for number 2. above, it would be great!


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Sorry maybe I am not so good with my explanation. I am ALREADY using Voltas + repeat signs.
What i mean is that for the part that is exactly the same (not the voltas), can we have some slight variations in chords?

In notation this is all quiet possible. For the notes you can use a 2nd voice and mark those chords small in the inspector. For the chord symbols, you can add another as the alternative indication.

For playback however, this is currently not yet supported.

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