Notes above bass clef staff

• Feb 7, 2022 - 02:32

When I try to enter a note above D in the lower clef the software automatically puts it into the upper clef. I want it in the bass, with lines above. Is the answer to expand the distance between the upper and lower clefs? I guess this is somewhere in the Style section, but I can't figure it out from the terminology. Thanks for help!


It's not totally clear what you mean here, but I guess you are trying to enter notes by clicking instead of simply typing the letter names? In that case, when clicking in between two staves, MuseScore does indeed need to guess which of the two staves you meant, and it won't always guess right. Normally it should prefer the staff you were most recently using. So if you just entered middle C onto the bass clef, it definitely should assume a subsequent click in the general vicinity of D is meant to be on that staff. But if you mean the D a full octave above that, this is likely to be so close to the staff above that MsueScore assumes you are now changing staves. The easy solution is not use the mouse for note input in the first place - the keyboard is much more efficient. But, you can enter the D an octave below (that is, the one just above middle C) then use Ctrl+Up to raise it an octave if desired. Or just the C then use Up alone.

If that's not it, please attach your score and describe the issue in more detail.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you, that is helpful. I was indeed entering notes by clicking (I will look into Letter Name Entry). I was trying to enter an E on the bass clef, after entering an A on the bass clef. Today, when I opened the score to apply your fix, Musescore entered the E just where I wanted it, two lines above the bass clef. IN other words, no problem. I also notice that in this score, after fixing the top line, where the problem had occurred, I saw that in all the other lines I had been able to enter the E as I wanted. I hadn't noticed that the problem was only in the top line. It's a mystery. But I am glad to know about the Up arrow and Ctrl+Up as potential fixes if the problem recurs. Thanks again. I am grateful not only for the answer but also for the SPEED with which You & other Musescore helpers answer questions. It is marvelous. Thanks.

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