unable to add on measures as I usually do without any problem

• Feb 8, 2022 - 13:38

I'm unable to add on measures, see screen shot to see the problem. I can't get the measures to show up past the big bold line with the number of measures asked for...It happens if I request 2 or more measures to be added OR inserted...

My current Musescore version is 3.2.3 for Linux Ubuntu. I can't seem to find where I can update my version if a Ubuntu version is currently available.

Thanks for your suggestions. I am currently stuck and need another 25 measures to finish the score.


Attachment Size
Screenshot from 2022-02-08 14-13-09.png 240.79 KB


3.2.3 is very old by now, even the latest 3.6.2 is a year old now, you'd get it as an AppImage version from the download page of this site here.
It may be that adding measures to a multimeasure rest doesn't work, so disable those first

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