Posting this to make sure my file actually works

• Feb 24, 2022 - 23:44

Please feel free to download - for some reason my score page on appears to have issues with it when I update the score. Sk_11ib.mscz


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you Jojo... discovered this when I tried to open it in 3.6.2 the other day. I notified Support (with whom I had raised a ticket) that this was the issue. It appear - might be wrong, here - that if you even open a 3.6.2 file in pre-alpha 4.0, it writes changes to that file. I expressly saved the file to a different location and name upon opening, but the original was somehow affected in the process. Again, not sure if I missed something or did something without realising it.
Thanks for following up on this!

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