
• Mar 2, 2022 - 03:32

I am writing my first ever piece of music with this program, and its going well. But, my lesson teacher said I was missing a subito. Your program does not include a way for me to insert it into my score. And it is critical to my piece. I can't keep writing it in. This is what I'm working on as an 8th grade student and with the sudden dynamic changes, it needs a subito.

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Score stemms from MuseScore 3.3.4, so you should update to 3.6.2.
You're apparently on Windows, so this might be the verion of MuseScore from the Microsoft Store, which is utterly poutdated, see #313298: MuseScore in Microsoft Store is outdated, still at 3.3.4; remove link on Download page

Then, once in 3.6.2, look at the Dynamics palette (either in the advanced works space or under the More button) and find several dynamics that start with an s, which is exactly that subito you're looking for

In reply to by jeetee

But marking a dynamic as "subito" just indicates to the player that a sudden change is needed - i.e. "don't diminuendo or crescendo into the new dynamic." That is how Musescore behaves anyway. There is no need for any messing with the inspector to get the appropriate playback.

It's not really clear where the subito marking would be needed - that's the default anyhow if you don't see a crescendo or diminuendo. The main place you'd need the subito is if you have a dynamic in a place where for whatever reason, maybe somehow you might have thought a crescendo or diminuendo was meant even though it wasn't written. If your teacher is concerned that this is the case for one of the markings here - maybe the ones in bars 30-31, which look like you maybe left out a crescendo, but that you really intended to be a more sudden change 0 then simply double-click the dynamic marking to edit it and type "subito" as desired.

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