Centring pieces

• Mar 12, 2022 - 21:23

I have a number of short compositions to export separately to make up a short book. I am happy with the layout and margins etc, however, just wondering if there is an option within musescore to 'centre' the score so it's in the middle of the page (i.e. space between the top of the score and top of the page is equal to space of bottom of score and bottom of page).

Attaching a copy of how it looks at the moment (SUNS1) and another copy of how I want it to look (afer adjusting the top margin manually) (SUNS2). An automatic process would be v handy if there is one and also more accurate than adjusting the top margin by eye..



Attachment Size
SUNS-1.png 137.97 KB
SUNS2-1.png 137.54 KB


Also consider simply setting a smaller page size in Format / Page Settings. Or, export the score as graphics, then import them into a desktop publishing program for the final layout, and let it do the centering if that's desired.

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