Saving Copyright Info to Musescore
Hi all,
Is there a way to save copyright information to musescore so that when I create a new score, I won't have to rewrite the copyright information in score properties? Could you do that through the Save/Load Style function? Thanks!!
Comments ?
In reply to… by Shoichi
I don't think so
Normally the copyright info isn't that much text, but getting that copyright symbol can be a pain. Maybe just save a plain text file on your computer and copy and paste from that. note the copyright info is remember from new score to new score within the same editing session, so if you create a bunch of scores at once, you only need to enter the info once.
In reply to Normally the copyright info… by Marc Sabatella
Or take if from here: ©
In reply to Or take if from here: © by Jojo-Schmitz
I guess there's a reason this is complicated, but this has been an irritant for years. Is there no solution other than work-a-rounds?
In reply to I guess there's a reason… by xavierjazz
In Windows type Alt + 0169
More info:
In reply to In Windows type Alt + 0169… by [DELETED] 135427
Perhaps one needs a numeric keypad for this to work.
It doesn't work using the numerals at the top of the kbrd.
In reply to Perhaps one needs a numeric… by xavierjazz
Yes, NumPad is required for this
In reply to Yes, NumPad is required for… by Jojo-Schmitz
You could try it with
And enter 00A9
In reply to You could try it with https:… by [DELETED] 135427
Even easier: Shortcut combination Win+. to open a palette of emoji and special symbols
In reply to Even easier: Shortcut… by dragonwithafez
Found it thanks. I've been using character map, a bit laborious.
In reply to Perhaps one needs a numeric… by xavierjazz
Most of my devices lack numeric keypads as well. What I usually resort to is leaving out the copyright symbol when creating the score, then immediately upon score creation, I double-click the title to edit it, press F2 to display Special Characters, and click the copyright symbols there. Then I cut and paste from there back to the copyright File / Score Properties. It's an annoying extra 10 seconds indeed, but only once per score.
In reply to Most of my devices lack… by Marc Sabatella
This works also, thanks.