Increasing size of note head

• Jun 5, 2022 - 01:46

A few weeks ago Marc mentioned, in a comment, the method for increasing the size of a note head. I have vision problems and following his instruction was able to do so satisfactorily. Unfortunately, I can't locate that post now. I have searched every menu (that I can find) and am unable to locate that little box that increases the size of the note head.

I would greatly appreciate someone leading me to that property menu, and I'll make a note of it this time.



You probably don't really want to increase only the size of of noteheads but nothing else - this would create notes that overlap multiple staff lines and would be much harder to read. I assume you really want to increase the size of everything - staff, notehead, stems, and all. To do this, go to Format / Page Settings, and increase the staff space setting - this is literally setting the size of staff spaces, and everything else scales with it.

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