Custom instruments on macOS?

• Jun 13, 2022 - 12:27

I'm currently using MuseScore on macOS and would like to add a custom instrument.

I found the instructions for Windows at How to edit or create a new instrument which seems to document the instrument.xml file for MuseScore 1, but the format is slightly different now.

I located my instruments.xml file at /Applications/MuseScore, backed it up and edited it with VS Code, and as a starting point inserted the following block of XML between the instrument definitions for octave-mandolin and shamisen:

<Instrument id="phin">
      <longName>Isan Phin</longName>
      <trackName>Isan Phin</trackName>
      <description>Isan Phin (a 3 string mandolin from the Isan region of northeastern Thailand)</description>
            <string>57</string> <!-- A3 -->
            <string>64</string> <!-- E4 -->
            <string>69</string> <!-- A4 -->
            <controller ctrl="32" value="8"/> <!--Ukulele-->
            <program value="24"/> <!--Acoustic Guitar (nylon)-->

Reopening MuseScore and going through New Score, General > Choose Instruments, I can't see "Isan Phin" under "Plucked Instruments" between "Octave Mandolin" and "Shamisen", and searching for "phin" matches nothing.

Have I got the instrument definition wrong, or is there a different process I should be following for macOS? I did kind of expect to be editing something in ~/Library/Application Support/MuseScore/MuseScore3 so that customisations don't get lost on version updates.


In reply to by jeetee

@jeetee I think I prefer your option better.

In Preferences > Score > Instrument list 1 the default was :/data/instruments.xml and if I tried to change that in any way then all of the instruments disappeared from the Choose Instruments screen. Instead I created a ~/Documents/MuseScore3/instruments.xml file with just a custom InstrumentGroup and my Phin definition and was able to use its path successfully in the Instrument list 2 field.

Thanks for the tip!

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