Inserting a text frame at the end of a page in multiple pages score

• Jun 15, 2022 - 08:47

In a score with multiple pages and page breaks, I'd like to add a text frame after the last staff of an intermediate page. How can achieve this ?

Inserting a text frame on the last measure of the 1st page breaks the last staff:

Appending a text frame on the last measure of the 1st page adds the frame at the end of the score:

Inserting a text frame on the first measure after the page break adds the frame on top of the 2nd page and not at the end of the 1st page:

My workaround is using a System text that I place manually, but it isn't as convenient as text frame.
How can I add a text frame at the end of this page ?



> "Inserting a text frame on the first measure after the page break adds the frame on top of the 2nd page and not at the end of the 1st page"

That, then remove the page break from the measure and reapply it to the frame instead.

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