Corrupted File Download and Open

• Sep 22, 2022 - 12:52

Can someone please advise on how to resolve on this problem ?

Downloaded the score:

Opened the download in Musescore macOS 10.16, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 3224f34

and encountered the following errors.

Barcarolle_Opus_60_in_F_Major.mscz" corrupted.

Measure 43, staff 1 incomplete. Expected: 12/8; Found: 39/16
Measure 47, staff 1 incomplete. Expected: 12/8; Found: 39/16
Measure 82, staff 1 incomplete. Expected: 25/16; Found: 83/32
Measure 83, staff 1, voice 4 too long. Expected: 12/8; Found: 260/128
Measure 106, staff 1, voice 2 too long. Expected: 12/8; Found: 643/288
Measure 110, staff 1 incomplete. Expected: 12/8; Found: 56/32
Measure 115, staff 1 incomplete. Expected: 12/8; Found: 2318/912

Thank you ..

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