added 3/16 time signature?

• Oct 20, 2022 - 16:20

Applying 3/16 time signature to a measure not updating?

All other custom time signature i have created work without issue


What do you mean by "updating"?
I'm on Linux AppImage 3.6.2 and i created a 3/16 time signature and i can apply it to a measure of my choice.
Maybe you can attach a sample score and write the steps you did. Then one of us users can look at it and help you better.

In reply to by [DELETED] 1307581

found what the issue was. i have inserted measures that i want to be 3/16 before notation measures as 4/4.

I've been using 4/4 time sigs throughout my notation. I have inserted measures to be 3/16 within the 4/4 measures. So i was getting cannot split tuplets, meaning i had to assign 4/4 time sig to those measures that i am trying to insert the 3/16. So resolved the issue.
Hope this made sense. pic better than words..

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