Second SF2 soundfont refuses to 'configure' or be accessible

• Oct 29, 2022 - 15:38

Some months ago, I installed & used the Aegean Symphony Orchestra soundfont. A number of my scores have a paragraph in the score cover-page announcing this fact. (I understand NOW that it's possible I did NOT save that soundfont assignment "to the score".) Last week I needed to do a "full reset" of MS for an unrelated issue. Now, no matter what instructions I follow - or even contacting the ASO developer - will restore the 2nd soundfont so it can be used inside MS.

I can't "see into" any past MS score where I did actually save the soundfont assignment TO THE SCORE. All I know is, where I elected the ASO instruments, I documented that fact in the score.

Anybody have any similar difficulty? Thanks.

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barcarolle_esque.mscz 42.01 KB


The screen captures are current for my efforts to get things functional. This is on an Ubuntu 18.04 Linux install.
In 'Synthesizer', I have set the 2 soundfonts arrangement as default. I have also restarted MS after adding the ASO .xml configuration to Edit->Preferences-Score for "Instrument list 2".

The "save to score" option doens't save the actual soundfont, only the fact that you used it. You still need to install the soundfont itself on any system you wish to use it with. And, you will still need to explicitly tell MuseScore to use that soundfont.

So, I'd recommend putting aside that score for the moment and focusing first on making sure you have the soundfont installed correctly.

It appears the soundfont itself is, but your custom instruments list is not being recognized. That's kind of a separate thing. Assuming you've restarted MuseScore since you set up - do that first and check again if you haven't already! - the next thing would be to examine the XML file itself for errors.

In reply to by Are Jayem

I am not an expert, but it looks OK. First, though, to be perfectly clear: you have restarted MuseScore since setting this up, and the problem remains?

Also, I'm not familiar with whatever OS or window manager those screenshots show, but I take it the path given in the second screenshot is actually correct, and that "home" really is the top level component of your home directory (as opposed to "user" or something else)?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yes, restarted a number of times along the way. Paths are correct.

Under Ubuntu/Linux, /home is top-level. Under that, users are specified - my user is 'gandsnut'. I think the very first time I ran MS, it chose /home/gandsnut/Documents/MuseScore3 for all MS subdirs - Scores, Plugins, SoundFonts, Styles, etc.

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