Corruption Within Piece

• Jan 4, 2023 - 17:40

Never had this problem with musescore 3 but with musescore 4 i get loads of corruptions and even if i somehow find the bar and fix it, i save and reload the piece and its corrupted again!

Any help appreciated as this is course work.

Attachment Size
Strings Corrupted.mscz 121.49 KB


It looks like an epidemic :( Open the attached with 3.6.2
Battuta 33 rigo 2 incompleta. Atteso: 6/8; Trovato: 4/4
Battuta 35 rigo 2 incompleta. Atteso: 6/8; Trovato: 7/8
Battuta 35 rigo 15 incompleta. Atteso: 6/8; Trovato: 7/8

Attachment Size
Strings Corrupted.mxl 119.98 KB

In reply to by Jamie Myers Music

Many comments report corruptions of files generated with MU4, do a little research in the forums.
MU4 currently does not report corrupt measures, so you try exporting as Musicxml, open with 3.6.2 and then try to correct.
Sometimes the solution is to delete those measures and insert them again

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