Musescore makes chords when playing legato

• Jan 18, 2023 - 06:43

Is there any way to stop Musescore from creating chords when playing note legato style?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The sample score needed part I understand but I don't understand why you need a sample score. It's very simple. I play four notes in a row and they all show up on the single note marker, chord style. That's it, no sample score will show that any better than what I just described, but below is an image if it will clarify. I want those to be individual notes.

Attachment Size
score example.png 9.56 KB

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

After thinking about it, it appears you are saying it shouldn't allow one to tell it to not record chords but stick to individual notes. I cannot fathom why it should not give someone that option. As I said, this severely hampers using a midi keyboard for recording a score for me and I'm guessing I'm not alone in this. If people are simply writing out their score as I am sure many are, it would not be an issue, but I want to use Musescore as a way to get visual feedback as I play to reinforce my learning to read sheet music and I can't do that without at least this feature, but preferably a more sophisticated way of Musescore actually being able to tell what are legato notes and what are chords. It's not that hard, there is a significant difference in time when the midi notes are played in the different instances. I'm not even pushing for that, just a reasonable workaround and you are shooting that down for some unfathomable reason.

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