Improving my score appearance. Suggestions? [Update]

• Jan 21, 2023 - 18:06

Hello everybody,

Update: Thanks a lot to Shoichi for solving the scaling problem.

I attach the score. It would like to include it in a publication I am preparing, so I want it to look fine.

I am still open to other suggestions for improvements. Please have a look at the whole score, and tell me anything that, in your opinion, can/should be improved. And also how to do it, please.... It is my first score with this software, so I am not that good at it yet...

By the way, it is the Alphabet Song adapted to Old Irish, for which I will be soon publishing a reader for advanced beginners.

Thank you very much,

Attachment Size
Dúan Aipgitir (ABC).pdf 59.15 KB


In reply to by Shoichi

Thank for your reply. I had established 4 measures per staff by using Format > Add/Remove system breaks. It worked at first, but then, when I modified one word of the lyrics, it got messed up as you see. With the third staff with only one measure.

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