Score crashes when trying to open :( Does it work for anyone else?

• Jan 26, 2023 - 07:45

This score crashes when trying to open it. I've tried reinstalling the hub and MuseScore 4. Does it work for anyone else? If so, could anyone do me a huge favor and upload it here as a pdf? Would save me many hours.

Attachment Size
Take it all.mscz 27.63 KB


I opened it with MS 3.6.2. by extracting the mscx-File without any errors.
Attached also the mscz-File from version 3.6.2.
You need to format the text elements that were lost in the process.

I'm not sure that all is correct. There are voltas with no end repeat barline, there is a D.S. with no segno sign and there is a coda with no coda jump instruction.
Maybe it is lost in my process or your score was already incorrect.

Attachment Size
Take it all.mscz 17.19 KB
Take it all.pdf 69.28 KB

In reply to by sennehed

If you have a MS4 file which cannot be opened again take the following procedure:
Use your zip-tool (e.g. 7-zip) and open the mscz-file there. You can find a mscx-file, extract this and open the file e.g. in MS 3.6.2. Press 'ignore' in the load error window which says that the file was created by a newer musescore version.
Save it as mscz-file.
Close MS 3.6.2 and reopen the file with 3.6.2. If the score has some more problems there is again the 'Load Error' window. Press 'Details' to see a list of the problems.

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