Unlink multimeasure rests between staves

• Nov 3, 2023 - 15:29

I would like to create four different staves with differing multimeasure rests occurring at the same time. Currently, when I choose a group of measures resting in stave 1 (6 measures), all other staves in the piece link together with a multimeasure rest that is 6 measures long. How do I independently separate each stave so I can have multimeasure rests that are different at the same time, like stave 1 = 6 measures, stave 2 = 9 measures, stave 3 = 3 measures, stave 4 = 12 measures?


It is not clear what you are trying to do.

Breaks in multimeasure rests are not linked between score and parts other than for score wide elements that require them - e.g. key changes, double bars etc. Indeed, it is not normal to have multimeasure rests shown in a score. This means that the length of multimeasure rests in parts are independent of each other.

If that behaviour is not meeting your needs, please explain in more detail what you are hoping for. If what you are hoping for is present in published works and not currently doable in Musescore, then it would be useful to make it a feature request.

In reply to by SteveBlower

Thanks for your response - look at the example attached (this is not my score just an example from online). The S, SS, and A parts all follow the same multimeasure rests (4, 9, 9, 11). Currently, Musescore automatically links the multimeasure rest in one part to all other parts of the score on all staves. I want my score to allow for different multimeasure rest lengths between parts, where S = 4, SS = 10, A = 12, etc., so that each stave is actually indepedent.

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Multimeasure rest example.png 39.81 KB

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