Measure keeps widening automatically whenever I do anything with it

• Jul 22, 2024 - 01:58

In measure 374 of the attached score, whenever I do anything like adding a note, removing a note, editing something like a slur or accent, the measure gets wider. Trying to fix the width manually just makes it even wider, no matter whether or not I made the width value lower or higher. The version attached is right before the issue started, so it should be reproducible if you were to do something like trying to add a note in that measure, and this just started happening as I post this

Edit: Also, trying to reset page settings to default makes the vertical space huge for some reason

Attachment Size
.Vesuvius.mscz 639.6 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Copy and pasting this reply I sent to the other person who also responded

I just tried to download the file I sent and open it again on my computer, and I got the message back that the file is corrupted, with this error in the show details box: Error=XML_ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT ErrorID=13 (0xd) Line number=0
Do you know what this might mean? The file I attached doesn't open at all for me when choosing to ignore that it's corrupted, but the original project I was having the issue on still opens fine and I can still edit it or listen to it or whatever. Even messing with measure 374 it still technically functions, just becomes wider with every element about the measure I change.

Expanding measure
Nor can I see any problem with measure width expanding as you describe.
Are by any chance choosing "Insert" input mode by mistake, instead of the default "Step time" input mode)? That would certainly cause the measure to expand.

Reset page settings
I can't see any problem in choosing and applying a different paper format.

This is already quite a large score, and on my old but well-spec'd laptop I am seeing considerable delay in refreshing the screen. I have worked on scores of this length, and I now choose to do all the new input on a small sub-score, then copy/paste the input into the main score. It's inconvenient, because I first have to set up any changes of key sig or time sig in the main score before the copy/paste. But that's a minor inconvenience compared with waiting for the display to refresh all the time!

In reply to by DanielR

I just tried to download the file I sent and open it again on my computer, and I got the message back that the file is corrupted, with this error in the show details box: Error=XML_ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT ErrorID=13 (0xd) Line number=0
Do you know what this might mean? The file I attached doesn't open at all for me when choosing to ignore that it's corrupted, but the original project I was having the issue on still opens fine and I can still edit it or listen to it or whatever. Even messing with measure 374 it still technically functions, just becomes wider with every element about the measure I change.

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