Modifiers for Composing

• May 11, 2024 - 13:10

Hello everyone!

I think it would be very handy if you could add modifiers to certain notes and selections of notes, like you can do in the 3D software Blender. In Blender, modifiers allow you to change objects non-destructively.

An example would be an Organum Modifier (Harmonic Planing) applied to 4 bars with the defined (positive and negative) intervals to be stacked on the notes.

Since it is quite common in the composition process, I think, to tweak and change things, it would be nice to simply adjust the parameters of this Organum modifier or any other modifier.

What do you think of this approach?


In reply to by rothers

Possibly the command Enter interval does what you want - keyboard shotcut Alt + 3 to add a third above the selected notes, Alt + 4 to add a fourth etc. See

The commands to enter an interval below also exist but don't have pre-assigned shortcuts. You can define your own shortcuts for them in Edit>Preferences>Shortcuts. See

I created a mockup to visualize my idea.

The first image shows a selection of notes.
In the second image, an Organum modifier has been applied. The properties of the modifier are located in the right pane.

In the score, you can now see a modifier symbol indicating that a modifier has been applied. If you click on it, you should be able to change the parameters of the applied modifier. As a result, the notes in the score will be updated immediately.

Attachment Size
Modifier original.png 70.84 KB
Modifier Organum.png 86.9 KB

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