Footer Copyright Text

• Aug 8, 2024 - 04:56

How do I get the footer copyright text to show only on the first page of a score? It seems like it can only be on odds, evens, or all pages rather than just the first page.


In reply to by Shoichi

I'm sorry, this doesn't answer my question. No matter how much I play around with the settings (show first page, different odd/even pages, $C, $c), my copyright marking will always end up appearing on every other page or all pages of my score when I want it on the first page ONLY. Interestingly, this isn't an issue with the instrument part name on the header text. If only the opposite was true with the footer text (copyright).

In reply to by Grand Maestro

Additionally, I'm unable to change the font of the text line (labeled as "accel." on mm. 6 and 8) to a different font than the default, Edwin. I can change it to a different font in the style menu (style --> text styles --> text line), but the change doesn't appear on the score itself.

In reply to by Grand Maestro

Try this

Honestly Sincere Alto Saxophone V2.mscz

You had written the text of the copyright into the footer. You should put it in the copyright field in the score properties. $C then adds that text in the appropriate place. Look in File>Properties where I have moved your text to the copyright field.

Anything other than the tags described in that handbook article is interpreted as a text item. Currently text items can only be added to even, odd or all pages, not just the first page. But I think that in some future version more control over header and footer items may be implemented.

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