Musescore 4.4 Corrupting Scores

• Aug 31, 2024 - 06:16

Displays file is corrupted but is able to open still. When exporting as MusicXML musescore 3 displays the corruption as:

Fatal error: line 25 column 20 Element concert-score is not defined in this scope.

Any help to fix this would be appreciated, as this score will be performed soon and I can't afford to lose the hours of progress since last backup


One problem is that MuseScore 4.4 doesn't check MusicXML files properly, it doesn't valiadate them against the schema, see
All prior version do

Culprit XML:


As per… there's nothing wrong with it though, as far as I can tell

My MuseScore 3.7 Evolution doesn't complain about it, but it been updated for accepting MusicXML 4.0.
So the MusicXML is perfectly OK apparently, despite stemming from a corrupt mscz (?)

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