Musescore window corruption (Qt errors)

• Sep 5, 2024 - 22:09

WTF happened? All the window decorations are detached, including the menus.

This is 4.4.0.

Rebooting the machine doesn't help.

I have the diagnostics file if anyone wants it. It's too big to attach, though.

Attachment Size
Musescore window corruption.png 959.47 KB


I thought reinstalling Musescore would fix the problem. Not so, I'm dead in the water.

Help! ; )

The log in C:\Users\apost\AppData\Local\MuseScore\MuseScore4\logs is filled Qt errors, e.g.:

2024-09-05T15:37:16.419 | ERROR | main_thread | ::operator | error: qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/internal/PopupContent.qml:81:5: QML QQuickItem: Binding loop detected for property "implicitWidth"


2024-09-05T15:37:16.449 | ERROR | main_thread | ::operator | error: qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:182:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"

First, please provide us with useful information to find out why this happens to some people:
1. In MuseScore, click Diagnostic > Save diagnostic files
2. Choose a location on your computer to temporarily save these files
3. Upload the resulting ZIP archive here

After doing that, you can fix the problem for yourself by clicking View > Restore the default layout.

Sorry, I missed the last sentence initially. If the files are too big to upload, you could try sending them to me via email at the following address:

c [dot] jeukendrup [at] mu [dot] se

Or you can use something like OneDrive, Google Drive, DropBox, etc.

Thanks in advance!

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