Difficulties in using both repeat, D.S. al Fine and voltas

• Oct 23, 2024 - 09:53

I have this demo test voltas.mscz file that mixes both repeat, D.S. al Fine and voltas.

Expected playback is: ABCD, BCEFG, BCD, BCEF.

Following the instructions from https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/voltas , I set:
- the volta repeat list as expected
- the play count of measure 4 to 3

The current playback is: ABCD, BCEFG.
Am I missing something ? Or should I use a different repeat instruction ? Or is there a bug ?



You are not missing anything (as far as I know) and there is no bug.
I suspect you need to rewrite both sections E and F. But there may be another solution.

Attachment Size
test voltas.mscz 6.77 KB

In reply to by Samuel Bancal

I'm just a beginner at making music and therefore not the measure of all things!

But I can't really see how the sequence is intended and I've never seen this construct before. If you give this to musicians, there have to be explanations ...

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