MS 4.4.1 Problem with the two symbols "Segno" and "Coda"

• Sep 10, 2024 - 08:41

Mac OS Sonoma 14.6.1
It is not possible to change the font size of the two symbols "Segno" and "Coda" (see attachment).

Attachment Size
allegato.png 41.47 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

This is a terrible design. It was very easy to change in previous versions. Now it seems that every piece of music I work on needs to have me go into submenus just to increase the size of Codas. Why on earth would this have been changed from the previous easy method of simply going into the perferences and increase or decrease?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

At 100% scale I find segno sign too big and coda sign too small. Is there a way to resize them independently? Also, I always add the coda sign to the "To Coda" text, which I can't resize anymore with properties. Should I open a bug report for this?

In reply to by hubertstrzel

Thanks for the workaround, but no! As mentioned above, this is how it was implemented by design: Style / Text styles/ Repeat text left/right / Musical symbols scale.

And don't bother any more. With 4.4.3, which will be released in a few days' time (and right now with R.C. if you like, here:, it will once again be possible to change the size of these signs in the Properties Panel, just like before!

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I'd really like to be able to have these back. The symbols are still present in MuseScore 4.4.4, but I have been unable to use the symbols as a replacement in a coda or segno element. I can merely place the symbol on a score, but it does not function as the element. And placement of symbols is very very cumbersome.
Coda and segno signs are the most important traffic signs of musical scores. The bordered MuseJazz coda and segno are much better, because they stand out on a score.

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