Notes don't stop playing in Musescore 4.4

• Jan 2, 2025 - 12:38

I have worked with Musescore 3.6.2 and it worked really great. Recently I upgraded to version 4.4. In all scores that I open/save in 4.4 there are notes that won't stop sounding in playback, although they should because there are rests. For new scores I have reverted to 3.6.2 (which also has the unroll feature, vanished in 4). But all scores concerted to 4.4 are negatively affected by this issue, which greatly impedes mij work. Sometimes the pb disappears when I delete notation like staccato or glissando, but of course this is no real solution.
Is there any solution available? I heard about v3.7 but I am no software geek wanting to dig in Github, nightly builds or whatever.
Many thanks for your help!


In reply to by guahtemoc

Cellos = Muse Strings,
Classical Guitar = Muse Guitars Vol1.
(all free)
Accordion?I don't think it's available yet.

"There's a multitude of Musesounds"
Well, that's saying a lot. If we're talking about only the Free Muse Sounds, there are only nine: Muse Strings / Muse Harp / Muse Woodwinds / Muse Guitars Vol.1 / Muse Drumline / Muse Keys / Muse Choir / Muse Brass / Muse Percussion.

In reply to by cadiz1

Thanks for your info. It's a pity no musesound for accordion (actually: bandoneon), because the pb seems to occur only with this part/instrument. Maybe the cello and guitar were already Musesounds.

In reply to by guahtemoc

To avoid this kind of problem (which only affects MS Basic and the V4), one solution would be to stay with V4 but download/use the Soundfont that came with V3, namely: MuseScore_General.sf3 (or .sf2) ?

That said, you should still keep V4 and download Muse Sounds. They're free. Since both versions are available at the same time, you should give them a try. And you'll be able to form a better opinion of what you really want and prefer.

In reply to by cadiz1

Thanks for your suggestions. But like you said, the Musesound for accordion seems to be missing, unfortunately this is exactly the instrument where the pb occurs. I will stick to v3.6.2 as much as possible, also because of "unrolled" feature missing in 4.*. I need this feature for live playing with a tablet, as it enables paging forward-only.

In reply to by cadiz1

Yes that's the feature I mean. "Countless" features lost in v4? A lot of setbacks from v3 could cause users to turn their back on MS. I wonder what the strategy was on releasing v4...

In reply to by guahtemoc

" "Countless" features lost in v4?"
And the list is far from exhaustive. For example, what really annoys me, among other things, is the loss of Preview (in Page Settings), and the incrementing of offsets, before, 0.1 sp., now, 0.5 sp. (stupid.... it's just prohibitive for me and the guitar where four voices can cohabit on a single staff, I feel like I'm moving through the score with elephant steps rather than those of an agile rabbit!)... 😁
Ad not to mention the fact that you only have to do this in Properties, since the possibility of doing it with a double-click and direction arrows has also been removed (this has been a basic function since V2 or perhaps even V1) by the goodwill of a certain person at the helm of V4 development.

In reply to by cadiz1

"...the loss of Preview (in Page Settings)"

When I change something in Page settings it is immediately reflected in the score on screen. Do you see something different, or did you mean something different by "preview"?

Actually, one thing doesn't get updated on screen until you leave the Page settings dialogue, the first page number. I also note that that doesn't get reset when you click on "Reset all page settings to default". That seems a bug to me.

Not updating first page number adjustment already reported

Not resetting reported just now.

In reply to by SteveBlower

"When I change something in Page settings it is immediately reflected in the score on screen"
That's not the/my point, you're missing completely it.

With V4, you do the layout blindly beyond a certain number of pages. See the GIF below. The score is 4 pages long. For example, the change of scaling (Staff space). I can't see its effect beyond the first 4.5 pages with V4. If I want to see it, I have to do OK, move the score, check, start again, do Ok...

Whereas with V3 and the Preview feature, the change of scale is displayed before your eyes, and, perhaps the major flaw of V4 on this point, you can manually modify intermediate values as much as you like (as I do at the end on the GIF, going from 2.550mm to 2.650mm) with an immediate effect on the layout. If I'm happy, I validate at that point. This is impossible to achieve with V4.
For intermediate values, you have to validate with Ok, look, redo, Ok, redo, OK.... pissed off...

Video mise en page.gif

In reply to by SteveBlower

I guess I wasn't clear enough. What's the zoom got to do with it? Even if I can see more pages, it doesn't change the fact that if I want to change the staff space values (by 1.400mm, 1.450mm, 1.600mm, 1.250mm and so on), with V4, I have to validate with OK to see the effect. If I'm not happy, I have to reopen the Page settings, change the value, press OK again, praying that it's better...
And when it isn't (since the layout in Musescore is really very sensitive, a very small change in staff space can have an incredible effect in one direction or another), well, I have to start again, open Page Settings, try a new value, press OK, pray again, and so on...
Whereas with V3 and Preview, I change the values as many times as I like, see their effect immediately, and never leave the dialog until the layout suits me.

In reply to by cadiz1

Not at all obvious. Yes this kind of post is more frequent. And it isn't totally a bug.
Consider this:
Suppose we have a 4/4 measure of all 1/8 notes. There is a "p" dynamic on the first note and an "f" dynamic on the first note of the next measure. Some or all of the notes may be marked staccato. Now we want a hairpin in the measure. We would expect to select the measure and enter the hairpin. This has always worked. But in 4.4 there can playback problems. the hairpin might not work and/or a note or two hold for ever. Must be a bug. Users have fixed playback by removing the hairpin or some of the staccatos. But why does that work.
But consider that in every one of these cases I have checked out (which certainly is not every single one of them) Placement of the hairpin was the problem. Instead of selecting the measure, select the second and last notes of the measure. Then place the hairpin. Then the volume changes and staccatos play correctly.
I learned this long ago in Sibelius. It is the way hairpins needed to be entered. You can't include the note the dynamic is on. This is the way I've always done it and never had a problem.
That's why I wanted to see the score from the OP.

In reply to by bobjp

This is a "song" I'm working on.
Whether I'm using the Basic sounds or the sounds from V3, some staccato notes still keep playing. (And when I remove the staccato they do not keep playing, but when I re-add the staccato they keep playing again.)
Note that I need the playback only to get a rough idea of what my arrangement will sound like. When it's complete I will record everything by playing each part on a real (and different) accordion.
I have now copied everything back to Musescore 3 and everything plays fine. I don't know what's wrong with the sound files, but Musescore 3 can play the staccato correctly and Musescore 4 cannot.
So it's back to Musescore 3 once more until more of the annoying bugs and missing features get corrected in Musescore 4. I still don't understand why a new version was introduced that broke so many things that were working fine in Musescore 3.

Attachment Size
Symphony-8-3-Dvorak.mscz 100.45 KB

In reply to by bobjp

On my macbook the first staccato note that plays indefinitely is the B in measure 24 (in the second voice).
If I remove the staccato dot the note plays normally and if I add it again the problem reappears.
I have no idea why it is this note that causes the problem (it is not the first staccato note).
In measure 65 the problem reappears (after many staccato notes played correctly). It is in the same pattern of notes. 24 is C B Bb and 65 is F E Eb. If I change any of the notes the problem remains. It's in the second note of the three. Only if I make the second and third note the second note sounds like it wants to continue but is then interrupted by the third note being the same. It happens with both the basic accordion sound and with the accordion sound from Musescore 3. It happens with certain patterns of notes.

In reply to by bobjp

In your version measure 24 plays correctly. I do not see any difference between my measure 24 and yours.
What did you change to make the effect of the bug go away?
By the way, Accordion ensembles often play music written for strings. The terms "pizzicato" and "arco" are used to indicate how the notes should sound, but it's all done with the bellows, not with strings. A pizzicato note is very different from a staccato note. And arco indicates the note should start without attack, just like it does when a string instrument is played with the bow.

In reply to by pauldebra

In the measures where the is a problem, I dragged the right end of the hairpin to the left one note. The place where this does not work is in the second part in measure 63. Those three notes go by so fast that I left out the hairpin. MuseScore can't play it anyway.

In reply to by bobjp

Interesting. I removed all the hairpins in measure 24 and added one again and still had the problem. If I added a hairpin that topped just before the problem note a different note became the problem.
One thing is clear to me: I will have to wait for more bugs to be fixed before trying Musescore 4 again. I tried it several times already and abandoned it. I now used it successfully for 3 or 4 songs, until I hit this new stumbling block. What a shame... I still don't fully understand why Musescore 4 was not evolved from Musescore 3 to a larger extent. Too much was redeveloped from scratch and we're clearly still at a debugging stage, beta at best, and not worth to be called a "release version".

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

That's good to know. But as I'm on a Macbook and read there are problems with 3.7 and Mac I think I will pass.
I have no problems running Musescore 2, 3 and 4 side by side on my Mac and have no need to reed back Musescore 4 files on Musescore 3. I moved my latest ongoing work through Music XML and that was close enough, but I wouldn't do it for completed songs. So Musescore 4 just sits on my computer waiting for new updates to appear after which I may try again, as I did a few times before (and gave up each time).

In reply to by pauldebra

Yes, if you simply re-add the hairpin, the problem will still be there. Instead, select the hairpin. You will see a small box at each end and anchor points. Drag the right box to the left until the anchor point moves one note left. It takes a little practice.
Should you have to do all that? Depends. But it is what I mean by putting hairpins on notes between notes that have dynamics on them. Which is what I had to do to get hairpins to work at all In Sibelius. So I'm used to it.

In reply to by bobjp

And we each have to use the version that works for us. Nothing wrong with that.
I use MuseScore for playback. I compose as a hobby. So, I don't care what the score looks like. I only care about what I have to do to it to get the results I am after. Unfortunately MU3 does not begin to yield the results I need. Not in the slightest. Yes there are many things left out of MUJ4. Oh well. Is MU4 perfect? No. No notation software is. But Muse sounds, even with some problems, are so much better. I realize that is not enough for some people. I don't use MU4 to practice with. Or for transcription, Or posting on .com. Seldom for real musicians. Or many of the other things people do. I write for me, and video work.

In reply to by bobjp

Yes, everyone has a preference. Im not at all interested in playback only notation qualität of the score and the parts. As far as i can see from the forum postings, playback seems to be the biggest obstacle today.

I hope the different prefereces will meet and satisfy everyone some day.

In reply to by TomStrand

I have been quite happy with the notation quality with Musescore 3.6. And where I don't fully like it I can move items to make the output better. I don't find the notation quality of Musescore 4 to be any better than that of 3 (and I still keep using the "Free*" fonts as I don't like Edwin fonts at all. So that I still keep since Musescore 2...

Hello all, I also had this issue and after a lot of testing, found it was caused by staccato notes that weren't even in the spot that was experiencing the problem.
So maybe check some of the staccato notes and try deleting the staccatos?

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