Playback plays piece half note lower than notated! Why??
Please help - I have notated a piece in C-major but when I want to listen, I press the "Play" button and musescore plays everything a half note lower! Never happened in the old versions, why now? I just downloaded the newest version. Thx
Post the score. No one can answer without the score.
In reply to Post the score. No one can… by xavierjazz
shall I post a screenshot? Unfortunately, my score did not work on musescore 3.. now I have to continue with the search for solution for this stupid issue..!
Oh, I didn't realize that I should have uploaded the score.. I now downloaded Musescore 3, on my old Laptop that version worked so well! I decided to delete musescore 4
In reply to Oh, I didn't realize that I… by suzukimethode@…
You might like my MuseScore 3.7 Evolution, check
In reply to You might like my MuseScore… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you, I will try! Unfortunately, the score I wrote on musescore 4 can't be opened with musescore 3.. and today, the playback plays my score one half note HIGHER! Yesterday, the playback was half note lower... it really drives me mad..