Transpose song from PDF scan of sheet music
I have the musescore 3.0 (I think) .
I am not well versed in computer speak !
I have a song, in a book, that I want transposed to
a lower key . I can't find how to upload this PDF to
the application so I can click and TRANSPOSE ~ !!
Can anyone help out ??
If you have a PDF scan, open MuseScore then use menu item: File > Import PDF...
This is a free experimental service that is not 100% accurate. It depends on the complexity (or simplicity) of the score.
To find your version of MuseScore use menu item: Help > About...
In reply to If you have a PDF scan, open… by Jm6stringer
In reply to If you have a PDF scan, open… by Jm6stringer
Adele - Hello.pdf
In reply to [inline:Adele - Hello.pdf] by rodrigueskari
And your problem with or question about that, not answerd above, is what?
In reply to If you have a PDF scan, open… by Jm6stringer
Once Upon a December
In reply to Once Upon a December by annabelledalo1
And your problem with or question about that, not answerd above, is what?
In reply to Once Upon a December by annabelledalo1
𝄆 And your problem with or question about that, not answered above, is what? 𝄇
In reply to If you have a PDF scan, open… by Jm6stringer
Please transpose up three half steps
In reply to Please transpose up three… by bmontpetit1
Did you read the earlier posts? Or are you above such things?
Use File / Import PDF to convert your PDF into musicxml, then open the musicxml.
In reply to [inline:355045894-Do-You… by [DELETED] 95481733
Just as all the above ... Yes, and???