MuseScore closes without error message when opening MusicXML file

• Feb 4, 2025 - 07:58

When I open the attached file.musicxml in MuseScore 4.4.4 the application closes without giving any error message.
The file can be opened and viewed in other applications.

Attachment Size
file.musicxml 2.21 MB


Confirmed. MuseScore 3.6.2, the current 3.7, 4.4.4 and the currrend development build for 4.5 do crash on it
The latter, in its logs, complains about tuplets and invalid durations (ones not based of power of 2 fractions, like 1/6, 1/12, 32/5 etc.)
The XML is a holy mess, completly unformatted

2.3.2->Fatal error: line 1 column 332 ID value 'P2' is not unique;
I can open it but the measures are corrupted, similarly with later versions (up to Nightly).

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