How to do this in MuseScore 3.7

• Jan 1, 2025 - 21:14

See attachment.

Attachment Size
Example.mscz 5.88 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hmm, checked with latest Musescore version and did NOT find a way to do what I am sure I did once: "place outside" or something like that as a setting. Might try and download an early v4. to see if my memory is just playing me a puzzle.
It's anyway a quite relevant "thing": none of my printed scores have the double repeat line with the key signature change "in between".

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hi again! It's been a while. However, I have done clean installs of various MuseScore 4.x versions on
"Virgin" windows 10 Virtual computer. And NOT been able to do what I thought I had managed.
Confused, but still: This should be an option (see example used as answer in another message in the thread)

I don't understand what your "question". Between bars 1 and 2 is a Key signature. At the beginning of bar 4 there is a flat accidental in front of the B. They are two different things and i don't see why you would want one to look like the other.

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