How to represent a capoed score?

• Feb 6, 2025 - 19:17

I transcribed a score for a guitar with a capo at the 3rd fret. The standard notation looks correct, but when I go to generate linked tabs, they're all wrong because Musescore is assuming I'm using an uncapoed guitar. I tried transposing the score down 3 semitones via Transpose->By Interval->Minor Third, and that fixes the tabs but now the standard notation is all screwed up.

How do I "tell" Musescore that a staff in standard notation represents a capoed fret, so Musescore knows to correctly generated linked tabs?

From what I've read, there used to be a "capo" field under part properties, but I'm using Musescore 4 and that feature seems to have been removed.


In reply to by TheHutch

You don't need to be condescending. Like I said, I don't need to simply annotate my staff with the palette's "capo" marker. Yes, that came up easily in a Google search. It's just a wrapper around the existing "Staff text" element and it doesn't actually tranpose your staff when the capo's "enabled". All it does is render a capo label and "automatically transpose playback", but it still leaves the actual sheet music rendered incorrectly.

The only solution I've found is to edit my actual open string notes to match the effective tuning when the capo's applied. But I was hoping there'd be an easier way. I don't know why the capo element doesn't do this, as simply having a "capo" label isn't very helpful when it doesn't actual change the notes.

In reply to by XrayFoxtrot

I'm not being in the slightest condescending. I'm being 100% serious. Follow the instructions in that section of the handbook to learn how to apply capo to your guitar music. You may need to work backward through some of the instructions to get to the right starting place. (I believe that it only works right when you do it correctly from the start.)

If I may suggest, when someone's post feels condescending or angry or whatever, assume that that's on you and that the other person didn't mean it that way. Even if they did you'll end up with less on your karma and looking like the good guy in any such conversation. Or, in other words, take a chill pill.

[A few moments later] I had forgotten. You also need this section of the Handbook to make it work properly: Here's an absurdly simple example:

20250207 221600 - Capo.mscz

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