How to slow down the tempo (Ritenuto) in MS 4.4

• Feb 16, 2025 - 12:52

The Hanbook provides the following explanations:
To change the manual tempo setting:
Select object(s)
Open the Properties palette
Click Playback, change any if required:
Amount: Target tempo as a percentage of original tempo. 100% means no change.
Easing Methods: Rate of tempo change, options are
Normal : a linear transition effect with the same rate of change from start to end
Ease in : a transition effect with a slow change rate at the start but a quicker change rate at the end
Ease out : a transition effect with a quick change rate at the start but a slow change rate at the end

The problem is that after selecting two measures where the gradual slowdown should occur and opening the properties in palette, I do not find the tempo change options. What am I doing wrong? Where I can find it? I would appreciate a step-by-step explanation without any shortcuts.


In reply to by 111jurek1

What works? The tempo text? Of course it does, at that spot and to that tempo. But not gradually.
Use the "rit._ _ _" from the tempo palette, apply it it a range of measures, then keep it selected and go to its properties (the tab to the left), click on playback and see the tempo change in %, change to ypour hearts content

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