Musescore studio problem then download problem with 502 Bad gateway
My Musescore studio is damaged and opened at the corner of my window PC. I don't know how to fix it and reinstall it many times until I find out the recover the Musscore studio at factory setting.
However, another problem occured. Musescore not allowed me to download and opened in Musescore anymore. I am a Pro+ subscriber, I can download and open the score in Musescore studio before. However, the dowload is affected after the Musescore studio is corruped before. Whenever I download now, a new browser window is opened with 502 Bad Gateway like below.…
I tried all ways, clearing browsing data or tried different browser or open by Incognito window. The problem cannot be solved. If my problem cannot be solved and I no longer need to subscribe musescore anymore.
Can anyone tell me any way to solve the problem? If problem cannot be solved, can I terminate my subscription and get my money back.
Any help I can ask from Musescore. Looking for someone can help me.
Seems an issue with, so go and ask there rather than here on
In reply to Seems an issue with… by Jojo-Schmitz
Okay, thanks for your kind reply.