Musescore studio problem then download problem with 502 Bad gateway

• Mar 2, 2025 - 09:35

My Musescore studio is damaged and opened at the corner of my window PC. I don't know how to fix it and reinstall it many times until I find out the recover the Musscore studio at factory setting.

However, another problem occured. Musescore not allowed me to download and opened in Musescore anymore. I am a Pro+ subscriber, I can download and open the score in Musescore studio before. However, the dowload is affected after the Musescore studio is corruped before. Whenever I download now, a new browser window is opened with 502 Bad Gateway like below.…

I tried all ways, clearing browsing data or tried different browser or open by Incognito window. The problem cannot be solved. If my problem cannot be solved and I no longer need to subscribe musescore anymore.

Can anyone tell me any way to solve the problem? If problem cannot be solved, can I terminate my subscription and get my money back.

Any help I can ask from Musescore. Looking for someone can help me.


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