Corrupted measures can't be deleted

• Mar 2, 2025 - 20:52

Here is what it says:

Corrupted measure: Full score, measure 115, staff 18.
Corrupted measure: Part score: Large Drum Kit, measure 115, staff 1.

The issue is some sort of bug with the measure. To try and fix it, I copied everything on that measure to a different measure and deleted the corrupt measure, but it would not go away when I pressed [Cmd+del]. I tried setting the actual counts to match the nominal amount in the measure settings, but that didn't work either.

Attachment Size
Midnight Jazz BigBand.mscz 626.17 KB


I opened your score, selected measure 1 (not the pickup measure) and added a 4/4 time signature. That fixed the bad measure (115, actually 114). The score saved without issue. I re-opened it without issue and deleted the 4/4 time signature. Saved without issue.

In reply to by bobjp

Hey, this worked! I was able to save it just fine. When I undid the 4/4 signature, it offset all the measures after 114 by a beat or two (I don't quite remember the specifics) as a side effect, but I was able to just copy and paste them back to their original counts. It removed all of the jumps, double barlines, and repeats too, but I just put those back where they belong. Thanks for the help.

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