Musescore app printer preview problems in Windows 11
Hey Gents and Ladies, I lost my "Print Preview" function when I bought a new computer with Windows 11. I had the techie guys at Geek Squad check this out and they told me that there are apparently several applications out there now that have this same problem with Windows 11. QUESTION: Do you know anyone else out there that has this problem, and if so, are there any plans to address it on your end? Thanks for your consideration.
It is a known issue.
Since 2 years already actually, see
In reply to It is a known issue. by Jojo-Schmitz
Thanks for your help. BTW, I'm having a tad bit of trouble finding my inquiries and responses on the Musescore webpage after signing in. What do I need to click on?
In reply to Thanks for your help. BTW,… by Mudmore
Click on your own name in this thread here
In reply to Click on your own name in… by Jojo-Schmitz
Again, thank you sir. However, when I'm not responding to an email, like here, I cannot for the life of me find these threads anywhere in the Musescore online app. Honestly, I've spent the greater part of two days trying to navigate this app and have hit brick walls constantly. I've got to quit now and take care of other business. But, thanks again for trying to assist me.
In reply to Again, thank you sir. … by Mudmore
What app???
This here is a website, you're using a browser to view it.
In reply to Again, thank you sir. … by Mudmore
And there's only one more thread you participated in,