How to notate a mid-measure change of time signature?

• Nov 28, 2017 - 20:34

I am transcribing a string quartet written in 1902, and there are a few points where the time signature changes mid-measure. Below is an example where the time signature changes from 4/4 to 6/8. In measure 134, the 4/4 continues for 3.5 beats (7/8), and after the double barline the "pickup" for the following 6/8 measure uses the last eighth-note / quaver (1/8).

I have the following questions:
1. Have I notated the two measures correctly in the attached MSCZ file? Measure 134: Nominal duration = 4/4, Actual duration = 7/8. Remainder of measure 134: Nominal duration = 6/8, Actual duration = 1/8 - and exclude from measure count. So the first complete 6/8 measure is then numbered 135?
2. Is the composer's notation of the rests in line with current usage? In the 4/4 part of measure 134, would it be better to split the rests to show a quarter-note / crotchet rest on beat 3 and an eighth-note / quaver rest on beat 4? And if changed, where to place the fermatas?

Thanks for any advice.

Attachment Size
String_Quartet_Op.10_fragment.mscz 22.13 KB


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