Note Names

• Dec 7, 2017 - 14:41

so i just started using muse score 2 after looking for a "sibelius like program" and that fits the bill perfectly but i got a question. is there a way to get the note names to appear on the notes instead of above them in a jumble like i could get them to do on sibelius?


In reply to by mike320

okay so even though i was able to SELECT all the notes, i could only move them individually. oh and on another note, how do i delete those empty measures? (i'm not skilled enough to play that intro so i deleted it) when i tried to just delete the measures the rest of the song sped up to compensate for the lost measures or something.

Attachment Size
note name nonsense.png 212.58 KB

In reply to by Keith Svenson

For the layout of the note names, before applying the plugin, change the value to the vertical offset to 0,50


About the deletion of the empty measures (Ctrl + Del): when you removing them, the tempo marking is also deleted since it's anchored to the first measure (and in this case, the tempo is setting to 120)

So, you have to put a new tempo marking on your score (eg from the Tempo palette), by default: quarter note = 80.
Edit this value as desired (instead of the quarter note = 91, on the imported mid file), or not (by choosing 91) by double-clicking on the tempo text.

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