Some small (or not) things

• Feb 15, 2018 - 01:23

Hi, ive been using musescore for a couple of months now coming from sibelius. The transition went really smooth and i dont want to go back anytime soon. I dont know where to look for upcoming changes to the program so maybe some things were said already.

  1. I use musescore in spanish and we use this symbols (dont know the english word for them, accents maybe?) on vocals: áéíóú. The thing is that no one writes with them on the computer so when using a search function (to add instruments to a score for example) its akward, i had to look where the accents are on the keyboard to write them as an example just now. It would look bad if they were removed from the translation but maybe you can make it so that the search function ignores them?

  2. I write a lot for strings and each section or solo instrument comes with 3 different channels on the mixer(normal pizz trem) and using the mixer becomes a pain, maybe they can be grouped in one expandable instrument by default?

  3. I would be nice to display the mixer in an horizontal way, (like this ) it would save you from having to scroll most of the time since pc screens generally are more wide than tall, some times using the mouse wheel can make changes on the mixer setting by accident. Maybe just using the same icons it has now but one on top of the other.

  4. Im not sure how to explain this but i will try, when writing 3 or more note chords on one instrument it tends to sound like twice as loud compared when playing a single note, chords generally sound louder but not that much. I have this problem with bandoneons, so maybe this is not so common for other instruments? i attached a score as an example, i use a custom sound font but the same happens with the default one.

  5. Dont know if this is a known bug or something, but every time i installed musecore i had to bind the shortcuts for note values to the numbers on the numpad manually (5 for quarter note etc) as they where configured to use with the numbers on top of letters but not the numpad. I use linux mint and musescore 2.1.

Thank you for this great software!

Attachment Size
bandoneon.mscz 32.7 KB


2/3 - Improvements to the Mixer are discussed pretty often, some changes are already planned but there is room for more improvement I'm sure.

4 - The way sounds are represented is largely out of our control, we use a third party synthesizer "fluidsynth". This sort of thing is pretty common with synthesizers. You are probably more aware of this with bandoneon because it is actually very unusual in this respect. For piano and most other instruments, two notes played together really are louder than a single note, by exactly the same amount as playing recordings of both simultaneously. But due to the way multiphonic reed instruments like bandoneon produce sound, two notes played at once are both individually quieter than if they were played individually. So indeed, the chord won't be as much louder than the individual notes as is true for other instruments. All of which is to say, you probably will just need to live with this, or use the Inspector to reduce "velocity" where desired.

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