Accents appearing in the wrong spot

• Sep 23, 2018 - 23:27

I just recently downloaded musescore and the first few charts I made, everything ran smoothly. While messing around with some controls, I hit clear in my palette not knowing its effect and so the sforzando symbol disappeared. I was able to retrieve it from the master palette and put it back in its original place, but now when I use the sforzando, it appears below the note I have selected instead of above. Before clearing, it appeared above the staff every time with no problems. How do I get it to permanently return to above the notes? I have already tried redownloading the musescore software to no avail. The style settings moved it up, but it did not stay consistent for all sforzandos.


You have made a custom palette or you could not clear the sforzando. To put the same one back, apply a sforzando from either the basic or advanced palette, the ctrl+shift+drag the same accent to your custom palette. This should fix it.

In reply to by luminarii

That probably explains it. the MDL palette is a custom palette. Use one from a score that worked properly when you applied it from the MDL palette and try the ctrl+shift+drag to put it back. I'm trying to not have to uninstall and reinstall MDL if possible, but as a last resort that would most likely fix it. I don't use MDL myself so this is based upon my general knowledge.

In reply to by luminarii

To be clear: the "usual" rule is that accents depend on stem direction, and that is why the default accents on the default palettes behave that way. But there is a special convention used in drum music to always place accents above, and that is why the MDL palette works that way.

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