al Fine

• Nov 1, 2018 - 08:27

Is it possible to use the tag "Fine" as a straightforward "Stop/End" command as opposed to using it in connection with D.S. al Fine or D.C. al Fine?
The Playback feature seems to ignore the Fine on its own.
I usually add Chord definitions after the end of a score by just adding a number of Measures for that purpose and do not know how to stop the Playback at that point..
Many thanks for any input.


No, these "Jump Targets" (start, segno, to coda, fine, end) only work with "Jump Instructions" (D.C., D.S., without or with al Coda or al Fine) referencing them

In reply to by piskal

Then you probably didn't fully reverse engineer all my secret dirty little tricks

Edit: actually you used none of them...

  • the Fine isn't really a Fine, but a D.C. in disguise, i.e. a D.C. with the text change to Fine
  • the jump targets of that D.S. have been changed too, to end and end
  • an additional measure has been appended, so now the playback is right
  • in order to do hide a measure for some strange reason a 2nd staff is needed, so I added one
  • that last measure has been made invisible
  • using "Hide empty staves" (and Don't show empty staff in 1st system) to hide that additional staff
  • appending a horizontal frame, and changing it to a negative width, so it looks as if if won't take any space
  • optional: don't show frames and don't show invisible stuff
Attachment Size
Stop Playback.mscz 14.53 KB

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Ha, ha .... clever .... I did actually cotton on after your previous mention of dirty tricks and more less worked it out.
It's a shame the "end" is actually the end measure and not the true end of the score/staff.
That would obviously remove the need for the extra empty measure.
Anyway, it's all singin' and dancin' now!
Many thanks,

In reply to by piskal

I looked at your Stop Playback.mscz file and noticed the chord names and notes themselves were colored gray (as if they were marked invisible). The fretboard diagrams appear as the visible/black coloration (except, as you mention, they are not representative of the chord names).
Also, the first staff (system) shows 6 measures while the second staff (system) shows 7 measures - with different chord names - so I don't know how using a separate staff 'just for the definitions' would work here.


So, the best bet would be to use the image capture tool and paste the chord definition image in a frame:
Stop Playback2.mscz


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Many thanks for giving it a thought; just one point - the differences in the colouring (grey as opposed to black here) are purely cosmetic (not invisible) and the last 7 measures are simply a continuation of the staff above it. After "Fine".
However, you have alerted me to the "image capture tool", which is obviously the way to go and is something I will certainly try ....
Isn't MUSESCORE just marvelous ?! So many options, tools and features !
Thank you again,

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