Time signatures in 3.0 beta
Reported version
P1 - High
S3 - Major
So, I was writing a song on the 3.0 beta and I wanted to have multiple time signatures in one piece, which should work, but when I went to put it on the score, Musescore softlocked for 5 or 10 seconds and then crashed. The same thing happened multiple times.
NOTE: I would attach a video of the issue with this message, but my only screen recording software is for gaming.
That's OK, video isn't all that helpful in cases like this. What we really need is a sample score and precise steps to reproduce the problem.
In reply to That's OK, video isn't all… by Marc Sabatella
The thing is, it works on any score
It works on every score? So no problem then...
Unless you mean it happens on every score...
This still aren't precise steps to reproduce the problem
Also what OS?
You might see the problem on all scores you personally have tried, but i don't see it on mine. Most likely, your scores all have something in common, and that is the trigger for the crash. In any case, we can't reproduce the problem from the description given. We like to fix crashes, but we need to be able to reproduce them first. So please, attach a score and give precise steps to reproduce the problem, so we can investigate and fix the crash.
In reply to You might see the problem on… by Marc Sabatella
Well, I think it works on every score. It may be just one, tho. I don't remember if I checked on one or if I checked on more, so,.... I'll try it on different scores.
In reply to Well, I think it works on… by KittyBoy
It's a single-score problem. I tried it on a different score and there were no problems. Thanks!
So again, please attach that score so we can investigate and fix the crash - if it happens for that score, probably there are other it will happen for as well.
In reply to So again, please attach that… by Marc Sabatella
I had messed with wierd time signatures before that, so that was probably the source. I don't think I need any more help with it.
In reply to I had messed with wierd time… by KittyBoy
I tried to recreate it on the score thta had the problem and the problem was gone.
But we may. Possible you score triggered a bug.
Without though we can only close the issue though